AA Battery Solar Charger 1: This almost trivial circuit may be used to charge a pair of AA or AAA sized cells in the sun. I have used it to keep my Palm Pilot and walkman radio running perpetually. This is an unregulated charger, proper charging is achieved by placing the unit in the sun for a known amount of Time, this Time varies according to the battery type. |
Battery Chargers indicates Rate of Charge: |
Buck Converter Chargers Also Provides System Power: |
Build a Smart Battery Charger Using a Single Transistor Circuit: |
Car Battery Charger: |
Car NiCd Charger: |
Charge Li Ion Batteries From AC Line Voltage: |
Constant Current NiCd Charger: The schematic for this charger is pretty simple. You can charge from1 to20 +/- NiCads at a constant current of from20 to200 ma +/-. |
GellCell Battery Charger: circuit to charge a Gell Cell or other lead-acid type battery, includes sense circuit |
High Efficiency 3Battery Chargers Use LM2576 Regulators: National Semiconductor Application Notes,05 Aug1995 |
Lead Acid Charger Signals End of Charge: |
Make your Own Simple Rx / TX Battery Charger With Peak Detect: This circuit is designed to peak charge Rx and TX batteries. Its programmed for a C/2 charge rate for250mAh and500mAh batteries (charge currents of125mA or250mA). Itll charge Rx from12V at the field, TX from a15-Volt supply (like a car w/engine running). Use a15-18V supply to charge at home (you should be able to find wall cubes with this rating). It is based on a Maxim IC, the MAX713. |
NiCd Battery Charger: uses a single transistor as a constant current source |
NiCd or NiMH Battery Charger: This charger can be used for AAA, AA and Baby C batteries. This battery charger is based on MAX712/MAX713. |
NiMH / NiCd Switched Mode Fast Charger: 4/5 Phase fast charge algorithm, allowing fast but Battery friendly charging |
Optimizing High Frequency Battery Charger Performance for Worldwide Applications: Providing Power for electric vehicles for worldwide use requires knowledge of energy conserving and high efficiency technologies |
Power inverter is bidirectional: |
Remote Charging Circuit uses Three Wire Sensing: |
Sealed Lead Acid Battery Charger Design Documentation: based on the UniTrode UC3906 Integrated Circuit |
Shunt Battery Charger Provides 1Continuous Current: A shunt method is Preferable than series regulation in Solar Powered Systems |
Solar Charger for Lead Acid Batteries: Solar lead acid charger, with battery voltage monitor, for12V battery |
Solar Panel Charge Controller / Low Voltage Disconnect Circuit: Lead acid charger, with battery voltage monitor, power comes from solar panels |
Super Fast Battery Charger Design With NeuFuz: National Semiconductor Application Notes,05 Aug1995 |
Supply derives 5 and 3.3V from USB port: |
Trickle Charger: Explains what trickle charging is, contains some basic trickle charging circuits. |
VK3EM Sealed Lead Acid Battery Charger MK II: A high-tech lead acid charger, uses the uc3906 chip |