Buck converter handles battery backup system: 04/24/03 EDN-Design Ideas / A synchronous buck converter is inherently bidirectional. That is, it transfers energy from input to output as a buck regulator when the output voltage is low, but, when the output voltage is high, the converter acts as a boost regulator, transferring power from output to input. This Design Idea shows how to use this bidirectional energy transfer to automatically recharge a battery when the mai..... |
Microcontroller provides SRAM battery backup: 06/26/03 EDN-Design Ideas / To maintain content in the event of power loss, many designs that include SRAM require a dedicated device that can automatically switch from a standard power supply to battery operation. Microcontrollers seldom find use in power-switching applications. Because microcontrollers typically operate from the primary power supply, they stop execution if that supply drops, thereby making it impossible.... |